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IfG.Research - Services

Project implementation:
IfG.Research offers scientific consultation services for the implementation of projects which relate equally to organizational, technical and legal expertise. In selected subject areas the IfG.Transfer (transfer.ifg.cc) executes the projects. A description of selected projects executed in the last few years can be found under the menu item "projects".

Expert opinions:
IfG.Research can provide decision-makers in politics and public administration with scientific expert opinions on a wide spectrum of eGovernment and further “e”-subjects. Based upon of their extensive scientific and practice-oriented expertise, IfG experts prepare neutral, practically-oriented expert opinions and short, technically-oriented position papers. Subjects may include, for instance, broadband solutions for rural areas, eGovernment in developing countries, regional infrastructure policy, security/critical infrastructure, human resources development (e-skills), reduction of administrative burdens and so forth. IfG.Research has prepared numerous expert opinions for institutions at the federal, state and local level.

Literature & literature research:
IfG.Research has an extensive collection of technical periodicals, books, articles, and other publications on a wide spectrum of eGovernment and other ICT and eService subjects. The collection can be used by external researchers and practitioners by appointment. Literature can also be researched, compiled, and evaluated on certain subjects.

Support for thesis-writing:
IfG.Research supports students in writing their final thesis. Such support offers students an excellent possibility to build up needed expert knowledge in a highly-relevant field with very good prospects for the future.

Furthermore, IfG.Research offers PhD students various support services which range from the development of the thesis proposal, to the literature search, defining and limiting the subject, access to empirical information, and in the search for professors who would be appropriate supervisors of a doctoral thesis in this subject.

Knowledge Transfer:
IfG.Research offers executives from politics, administration and businesses discussions and workshops at which the most recent developments in the institute's fields of research are presented. Knowledge transfer also takes place in the form of study trips, conferences, seminars and coaching sessions that are individually tailored to the requirements of the recipient. Continuing education courses are offered by IfG.Transfer (transfer.ifg.cc)..

Info letter:
Every month, IfG.Research releases an info letter covering eGovernment and other "e-subjects". The info letter reports on important worldwide developments and announces selected conferences and events. In addition, each letter has a special focus on a different eGovernment theme. The info letter also provides information about recent activities by IfG.Research. The info letter can be subscribed free of charge by sending an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

The G-Letter is an executive newsletter, published three times per year, which provides targeted, highly concentrated news about worldwide developments in the area of eGovernment. It reports about practical developments, and includes results of research projects in the form of easy-to-understand summaries. The G-Letter can be subscribed liable for a fee by sending an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Authors of articles addressing eGovernment subjects and related themes can publish their articles on the web page ifg.cc. Articles which specifically focus on subjects in public management may be considered for publication in the journal "Verwaltung und Management". On the web page ifg.cc,, which is accessed by more than 500,000 visitors per month, articles will gain attention from a broad professional audience. It is also possible to publish scientific articles in the international journal "ICT and Human Development", to which IfG.Research also contributes. Articles can be submitted to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Presentations/Master courses:
IfG.Research provides provides tailored lectures and presentations at a scientific level to executives in public administration and private enterprise. These presentations cover areas within the institute’s field of research and may also be customized to address specific implementation-related subjects. Master courses are also offered. A selection of subjects can be found under the menu item "Teaching".


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