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IfG.Research - Overview

IfG.Research (research.ifg.cc) is a think tank for new forms of government and public administration in the information age. It works to develop and understand new ICT-based organizational models and forms of governance in a variety of policy fields.

The field of eGovernment is primarily concerned with new ICT enabled networked forms of process design for policy and public service processes. eGovernment not only enables the optimization of existing structures, but makes it possible to completely redesign all kinds of public processes, substantially contributing to higher efficiency, effectiveness and legitimacy. IfG.Research also conducts research in policy fields such development cooperation, critical infrastructure, regional development, health, and competence management.

IfG.Research pursues a highly interdisciplinary approach, drawing equally upon the disciplines of political science, computer science, public administration, business management, law, regional planning and sociology. The goal of this research to be able to understand and shape the far-reaching effects and interactions between eGovernment and other "e-themes" in a larger societal context. Subject areas relevant to this effort include process design and the division of labor, service orientation, control and incentive systems as well as change management and acceptance management.


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