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Support of thesis
(Diploma, master, bachelor)

Support of diploma theses

060301: "Information and Communication Technologies for poverty reduction in developing countries"
The role of new Information and Communication Technologies for the reduction of poverty in developing countries (ICT for Development / ICT4D) is a topical and much discussed subject in practice and science. ICTs are often praised as means and objective of large-scale growth; however, they are no universal remedy and must be tested critically and closely for their effects and implementation in developing countries. The national social, political and economic setting is just as essential as juridical and cultural conditions.

The thesis should analyse and discuss the general obstacles and chances of ICT for poverty reduction with focus on Subsahara Africa. The following subject areas can be examined in more detail (the IfG.CC is open for further proposals):

  • effect of ICT on the different social fields (education, health, regional development, Good Governance, company support and economic development)
  • effective and sustainable implementation of ICT in developing countries
  • investigation of Good-Practice case studies in consideration of their transferability
  • measures of German / European / international development politics regarding ICT for poverty reduction

An individual main focus for the assignment will be agreed upon with the IfG.CC at the beginning of the diploma thesis.

  • interest in eGovernment and new ICT applications
  • motivation
  • very good testimonials
We offer:
  • professional support in the formulation of a topic and the search for literature and material search
  • individual support and technical discussions
  • access to topic-referred literature data bases and internal project documents
  • contact to experts and project partners
  • exchange with other graduands
  • It is possible to combine the thesis with a preparative or accompanying part- or full-time traineeship in order to gain more profound knowledge within the theme of eGovernment
  • on occupational aptitude there is the possibility of long-term cooperation within the Institute
  • Place of support: Potsdam.
Please send us your complete application documents (informative cover letter, curriculum vitae, testimonials, proposed topic for the diploma thesis, exposé, ...) only by email.

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