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IfG.Research - Programs

MPM University of Potsdam:
IfG.Research closely cooperates with the Potsdam Center for Policy and Management (PCPM) which carries out master programs at the University of Potsdam. Within the PCPM’s Master of Public Management (MPM) program, IfG.Research offers courses and seminars on various eGovernment subjects.

MEGA University of Potsdam:
IfG.Research also offers eGovernment seminars within the PCPM’s Master of European Governance and Administration (MEGA) program. The "Master of European Governance and Administration" ("Master Européen de Gouvernance et d'Administration") is a Franco-German program which deals with questions of the modern, cooperative state in the European context.

Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen:
At Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen IfG.Research offers eGovernment courses within the Public Management and Governance | PMG masters program. The main focuses of the seminars are the development and the design of new interactions between public and private institutions and the third sector.

Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus:
IfG.Research is also involved in the teaching program of the Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus. Within the scope of the e-business seminars in the Institute of Industrial Information, IfG.CC experts offer courses on the application of e-business solutions in public administration.

University of Applied Sciences Wismar:
Within the scope of a cooperation with the university of applied sciences Wismar, IfG.Research holds seminars on the subject of "eGovernment as a critical infrastructure", as well as on other subjects. One core theme is the cross-sectoral design of process chains between the state and private business as well as the other implications resulting from it. A particular main focus is placed on critical infrastructures of the state, for example power, transportation and state structures themselves.


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